Saturday, October 20, 2007

Emotional Intelligence

Emotional Intelligence
(16th Superior HR forum on every 3rd Wednesday of the month
Due to Eid Holidays This Forum will be held on October (Wednesday) 24, 2007.

About the Trainer
Abbas Husain
Senior Associate Training Solutions ( Karachi )
Abbas Husain has an Master degree in English Literature and Education from Manchester University, U.K. He has received professional training at the Universities of Toronto, Pittsburgh, Louisville and Chicago. He is one of the founder members of SPELT and has published widely in national and international journals.

He has offered Training Programs in several multinational and local business houses at (among others): National Defence College, NGORC/AKF, Thames Business School, ACCA. He has been a consultant for UNICEF at the Regional Conference in Khatmandu, Nepal, 1998. He has appeared on GEO TV, Indus TV and PTV for educational and religious programs.

In August 2004 he was appointed a Master Trainer in Etsko Schuitema’s Leadership Team (South Africa) in collaboration with Management Development Institute, Islamabad.

Learning Objectives
  • Self Awareness
  • Responsibility
  • Direction
  • Happiness
Program Schedule
Registration: 5:30 p.m to 6:00 p.m
Presentation, Q&A : 6:00 p.m to 8:00
Venue: Superior Law College
Refreshments: 8:00 p.m

Who Should Attend
Top and senior human resource people who are involved in hiring, training and development
23-L, Gulberg -III, Lahore. (Near Askari flats opposite Din newspaper) Ph: 5855591-93
Limited seats, only registered participants will be entertained on first come first serve basis

For Free Registration
Zafar Saeed
0300 475 2521

Asif Aziz
HR Officer
0300 4055237

Ali Abbas HR Officer
(Training & Development)
0300-410 38 52

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